End of Summer Update


As sad as it is, summer is almost officially over for another year.

Hopefully everybody has enjoyed some time off during the nice weather, our staff has certainly welcomed the break.

Regular Staffed hours resuming in September

We will be switching back to our regular staffed hours after the Labour Day weekend. As always, there are no staffed hours Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the long weekend. Regular hours will be unchanged resuming after the weekend, Thursday and Friday evenings, 6-8pm and Saturdays and Sundays 9am-1pm.

Fall Training Calendar

We will be resuming our training courses in September - check the calendar page for our Fall training schedule.

There will be a PAL / RPAL course the last weekend of September, space is limited, if you know someone looking to get licensed all in one shot, this is the last time we will be offering the combination course. We also have a PAL course scheduled for October 18-19, this is a Friday evening / Saturday course, there is no Sunday component.

Our pistol marksmanship courses are back this fall as well, the first one is September 17&19, this is a Tuesday and Thursday evening. The next session will be October 20&27, this is two Sunday afternoons in a row.

We will also be offering the PPC competition level holster certification course this fall. Currently it is scheduled for October 27.

We will be releasing more training courses as the details are confirmed.

If you are interested in any of the above courses, or are looking for more information, please send us an e-mail, or call during staffed hours. Spaces are limited in all of these course, the first students to register and pay the course fees will get the seats.

Range Rule Reminders

Just a few reminders about range rules, these are in response to frequently asked questions we receive by e-mail and phone. As well as observations of the staff.

  • Unapproved Calibers

The list of approved calibers is posted beside the front desk and on the back wall in the range. If you do not see the caliber you wish to shoot on the list, it is not allowed. Shotguns using any shot or slugs are not permitted. Also, all black powder firearms are not permitted. There will be no warnings issued if unapproved calibers are shot on the range, your membership will be immediately terminated. As well you will be responsible for the cost of any damage caused.

  • Guests

Guests are welcome at the range, as long as they are continuously supervised by the member bringing them to the range. This means, if you go to the washroom, out for a smoke, to the car to get something, all shooting must stop until you return, regardless if the guests are licensed or not. Your membership is intended for yourself, as well as your immediate family (Spouse and school aged children), all other guests must complete both pages of the guest pass form and pay the daily user fee. This must be completed prior to using the range. In the event guests are using the facility without a guest pass, they will be asked to leave and the sponsoring member will have the membership terminated immediately.

  • Rifles on the Range

If you wish to shoot a rifle on the range, please ensure that your bullets are hitting the back stop as close to the center as possible. We have seen a significant increase in bullet strikes on the light guards, target carriers and the plate above the bullet trap. The top couple feet of steel plate is not part of the bullet trap, it is there in case a shot accidentally goes high. If this plate is hit, you are shooting about 4 feet higher than you should be. We regularly see groups of bullet strikes on this plate, meaning someone has deliberately shot at it. We will be closely monitoring new bullet strikes on this plate, as well as the light guards and holding the people who are hitting these plates responsible for the costs of repairing / replacing these items if required.

Fall Range Rentals

This fall we will have a private renter that will be using the range regularly for a period of 3 weeks. The weeks of September 23-26, September 30-October 3 and October 7-10, the range will be rented from 7am-4pm. These dates are all Mondays thru Thursdays. The range will be closed to all users except the renters during these times. Please respect our rental groups by not interfering with their range days.


W have an inbound ammunition order that should be here any day now. It will be full of bulk 9mm and 223 in response to numerous requests. As well we have maintained our stock of most common pistol caliber ammunition and all manners of 22LR ammo. If you are looking for something specific, let us know and we can see if we are able to get it.

Hope everyone enjoys these last few days of summer!