April Update

We don't have much of an update this month, everything is running along like it should.  We are running regular PPC and NRA 1800 matches.  We are planning on having one of each, per month.  

The NRA 1800 is a test of your accuracy and stamina, 90 rounds of 22lr and 90 rounds of center fire are involved in the course of fire.  If you want to see how your shooting is improving, try this match out and watch your scores go up as your techniques and abilities are refined.


 The PPC matches are a perfect, relaxed atmosphere for everybody with a new holster qualification to get some practice drawing and firing their gun.  It also gives you the chance to shoot from various positions and different yardages.  This is another great sport to watch your scores go up over time as your shooting improves.  If you are interested in shooting PPC, our next holster qualification course will be Sunday, April 14, 2019.  E-mail or call the range for more details.

Remember, all these matches are just for fun, to help you get better at the shooting sports.  Everybody was new once, there are lots of people to help you through the first match and want you to enjoy yourself.  You are only shooting against your last score and yourself.  Except for Juice and I.  It is totally a no holds barred, gloves off, to the death competition for us!!! Ha ha ha!!

As we have mentioned before, if you find anything in the range that need attention, or repaired, please send us a quick e-mail.  This way we can make arrangements to have the problem fixed in the most timely fashion possible.

We just got a fresh shipment of ammo in last week, the shelves are full of great deals on your favorite calibers.  If you are looking for ammunition for your target pistol, we got a great price on cases of CCI standard.  Don't forget we can help you with you pistol reloading component needs as well.  And if you are in the market for once fired range brass, we will have it available at the range in the near future for popular calibers.

Enjoy the nice weather, hopefully spring is here to stay