March Update

Things have been busy the last month at the range.  We have been working on a project to help lower sound levels in the classroom upstairs.  We are hoping that we will be able to open the range in limited capacity during PAL / RPAL courses.  We will start with .22lr pistols and rifles and slowly open up the caliber restriction during courses providing we can meet the noise requirements.  This will mean, no more closing the range during these courses. Yay!!!

NRA 1800 & PPC Matches

We are running regular NRA 1800 matches and PPC 1500 matches, on a monthly basis.  If you are interested, come have a look.  Better yet, bring a gun or 2 and give it a whirl.  You are only competing against yourself in the grand scheme of things.  Plus if you set the bar really low the first time you shoot, it will be easy to improve!!

Marksmanship course

Are you new to pistol shooting?  Or just want some tips and advice on how you can improve your accuracy with your favorite pistol?  We will be conducting our next marksmanship / intro to pistol shooting at the end of the month.  See attached schedule for dates.  Call the range to book your spot if you are interested, we are only taking 6 students for this one.

CSSA PPC Holster Certification Course

The next CSSA PPC Holster certification course has been set for April14, 2019.  If you are interested in competing in any sport that requires holster certification, this is the place to start.  This is only a 1 day course and is a lot of fun and lots of shooting.  A great step for those looking to expand their shooting sports horizons.


Range Update

Everything at the range has been going along great.  Housekeeping by the users is outstanding and preventable damage is being kept to a minimum.  We are seeing minor damage on the deflector plate above the bullet trap.  The top portion of the plate is not designed to be shot at, it is the "Oh crap, I am shooting 4 feet higher than I should be, thank God that bullet stayed in the building" plate.  Please ensure that when you place your target on the backer, your bullets will impact as close to the vertical center of the trap as practical.  Most of the damage we are seeing is from large caliber rifles, please ensure extra diligence in target placement with rifles.

The last housekeeping issue concerns the chairs in the lobby and the classroom.  If you require a chair to shoot from, please return it to the lobby when you are finished with it and wipe it down with a damp paper towel.  We work very hard to keep lead levels in all areas of the facility to a minimum for the health of all the people that visit the range.

Please keep up the good work on keeping our range clean and safe.  Apparently we are doing something right, we have had the Firearms Office approach us about using our range to train their range inspectors.  They are also interested in using it as an example for other range operators and having them visit the facility to see how our systems (both physical and administrative) can be applied to other ranges.  This is a huge pat on the back for everybody that uses and helps keep our range in tip top shape.  Thank you from TSA Staff and Management, you're making us all look good!!

Have a great March, let's hope the nice weather is on its way.