October Update

September is behind us, what a busy month at the range!!


We had a great turn out at our open house last weekend, thanks to everybody that came out to see the final product.  Also thanks to those that helped get things ready or keep things on the rails the day of the event.

We are going to start shooting club level (for fun!!) ISU Bullseye matches this winter, in hopes of being to enter a team into one of the local leagues next year.  This is a great way to improve your accuracy, precision and firearms handling skills.  All you need to play is a .22lr pistol and 2 magazines.  One match is 65 rounds total.  Great way to track your pistol shooting progress while learning the finer points of handgun shooting that will transfer over to every other sport you participate in.


While shooting at the range, especially center fire rifles, please remember to keep you target centered on the backer board and ensure all of your shots impact the bullet trap as close to the center (up and down) as possible.  There are a few impacts (rifle rounds) that are quite high on the back stop and these can potentially damage the back stop with time.  We have also found evidence of steel cored ammunition being shot on the range.  This is also potentially quite damaging to the back stop with time.  Please refrain from either of these practices in the future.


We are just putting the final touches on our fall / winter training schedule, it will be posted on the website and in the range when we get it finalized.  We will try to let everybody know via e-mail and facebook once it is posted.

Now that the colder weather is upon us, we are expecting an increase in our range usage.  With this increased usage, naturally, the wear on the range will increase.  If you notice something that is worn out, damaged, broken, missing, or otherwise not in tip top shape.  Please let us know via e-mail.  We have various groups that rent the facility on a periodic basis, and we need to keep everything operational.  Don't worry, we expect things to wear out and break.  We aren't going to get mad about normal wear and tear being reported, we are just trying to ensure you all enjoy the safest experience possible while you are here.