Happy Labour Day Everybody!!


I hope you are all enjoying the last day of summer vacation.  There is a lot of valuable info in this post, please take 5 minutes to read it all so you have all the latest and greatest news for the range.

We've posted the September list of events.  Mostly it is our regular evening shoots, if you haven't had a chance to come out and watch or try these sports, please feel free to stop in and see what it's all about.  We can almost guarantee you will enjoy yourself.

Of special note, our Grand Opening / Open House will be on Saturday September 22, 2018, from 11:00am - 3:00pm.  We will have the BBQ fired up, sales, prizes, range tours, all sorts of great stuff.  Bring out your family and friends to introduce them to this great facility we all enjoy.

A quick reminder about our guest policy, as there seems to be a lot of confusion around bringing guests to the range lately. 

  • Your membership is for you, and your immediate family.  This is your spouse and children living at your house that are still in school full time (high school, college, university).  If you bring your family to the range, you are responsible for their shooting activities.  This means if they are shooting, you are supervising them, not shooting on another lane.
  • If you wish to bring a guest to the range and they will be shooting, they must pay for a day pass ($25.00) and sign a waiver.  Waivers and Guest Passes are now available on the wall beside the front desk. Please fill out the guest pass and have the guest sign the waiver and put both forms in the mailbox beside the waivers.  Guest passes can be paid for by cheque, cash or credit card.
  •  Guests that are properly licensed and have purchased a day pass may shoot their own firearms under the supervision of either the member bringing them to the range or the staff, during staffed hours.

We would like to thank those of you that have been abiding by the guest rules, as most of you are.  Members that choose not to follow the above guest rules will have their 24 hour access privileges revoked.  Please remember, any guests you bring to the range are your direct responsibility, and you will be accountable for all of their actions while at the range facility.

If you have any questions about this, please contact us, and we can clear up any confusion about the guest passes / rules.

You may have noticed over the past few weeks, there have been a lot of changes happening around the facility as we put the finishing touches on the building.  Please be aware that there may be wet paint and things may not be in their usual places.  We appreciate your patience during these final weeks of construction.


We have also expanded our retail section this summer.  We are now a dealer for Campro bullets and DRG bullets, as well we have all the supplies you need to reload your own ammo, brass, primers, powder, bullets, etc.  As well we finally got our target shipment and have posted samples of the targets available on the wall inside the front door.  Targets will be available for sale during staffed hours.

Speaking of staffed hours, as of September, we will be changing our weekend hours slightly.  Thursday and Friday evening hours will remain the same, 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Saturday and Sunday hours will now be 9:00am-1:00pm.

As always, enjoy the facility and have fun with your shooting endeavors.

