December Update

Merry December Everybody!


Just a quick December range update, you may notice from the calendar, it's pretty slow around here in December.  There is no training and only a couple short rentals.  I guess everybody wants to take time to spend with their families during the Christmas season.

We will try to be open as much as possible during Christmas Break (December 22 - January 6) but the staff also want to spend some time with their families at Christmas, so there may be days we aren't staffed during regular hours.  We will still be checking e-mail, Facebook and phone messages.  If you need something, let us know and we will make sure somebody helps you out.

TSA Birthday Party

We are officially 1 year old as of December 2.  We will have coffee on and snacks for anybody that wants to stop in during staffed hours (9am-1pm).  If you haven't been here in a while, you will notice some big changes to the classroom and lobby.  Feel free to swing by the range and let us know what you like, what need improvement or new things you would like to see.  We are always trying to improve the facility to make it more enjoyable for our members and guests.  We want to make year 2 bigger and better than our first year in business.

Approved Calibers


Please take a minute to review the approved calibers signage next time you are at the range.  The signs are located beside the front desk and in the range beside the rules sign.  We have had a couple incidents in the past where unapproved calibers / firearms are being shot on the range.  You will notice that nowhere on the approved calibers list is there any mention of shotguns of any gauge or shot type.  Using unapproved ammunition / firearms is grounds for immediate membership termination, and potentially financial implications to repair any damage caused to the facility.  We know who the individuals are from the latest incident and we will be addressing it with them.

We’ve also had a number of inquiries about whether or not 7.62x39mm is permitted (usually for an SKS, but lots of popular firearms use this round). The answer is “yes and no.” Most inexpensive military surplus rounds - FMJ with copper or lacquered cases - have steel cores and are effectively armor-piercing, and are not allowed on our range because they damage the equipment. However, there are tons of commercial SP or HP or “ballistic tip” rounds from Barnaul, Sellier & Bellot, American Eagle and others that are perfectly fine for use in our facility. This ammo is more expensive than the surplus stuff, but if you want to shoot your Czech carbine, SKS or Type 81 indoors or use it for hunting, that’s the way to go. If you want to get your hands on some ammo that is guaranteed range safe, or are unsure whether or not the ammo you have is range safe, contact us and we’ll sort it out.

FBI / US Marshall Qualification

Ever wonder how you would stack up against the best of the best in US Law Enforcement??  We are going run the US Marshall service and FBI qualifiers at the range this winter.  Its all for fun, just bring your favourite center fire pistol and give it a go.  Maybe a career change is in your future?!?!  We will send out / post details when we get the dates finalized.

Once again, enjoy the facility and have a Merry Christmas!!