Reopening Ontario, Step 3


The Ontario government has announced its plan to move to Step 3 of the reopening strategy on Friday, July 16. Here’s what this means for us:

  • The range will be open to members and guests, starting on Friday, July 16.

  • You will still need to wear a mask in the store and in the lobby. You do not need to wear a mask while shooting.

  • You will still need to follow social distancing guidelines, maintaining 6 feet of space between yourself and other shooters in the range. This shouldn’t be difficult due to the spacing of the lanes.

  • We still don’t know when courses will resume. We need to wait for the Chief Firearms Office to give the all-clear before we can resume training and announce dates.

  • Our course schedule is several months behind schedule. At this point, it seems most likely that new additions to our waiting list will be waiting until winter months for a spot to open up. But, again, we have no confirmed date for when we can resume training.

  • Customer capacity in the store will be a whopping 4 at a time.

  • Store hours will be increased : 12 - 8pm Wednesday to Friday, 10am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday

Ongoing Pandemic Issues

There is an ongoing supply chain shortage for ammunition and firearms. We are doing our best to keep a good amount of stock, but we are simply unable to source some things right now. 9mm ammo in particular is hard to find at the moment - we have loads of it backordered, but it isn’t coming in and we can’t get it. When we do get it in, it is more expensive than it used to be. Prices have increased at the manufacturing level twice this year so far. We’re doing our best, so please bear with us.

There is also the chance that another shutdown is coming in the future. Last year, during the first lockdown, we were sure it was a one-time thing and then we would be past it, but the government had other plans. We don’t know yet what comes after Step 3, and the Ontario government might decide to clamp down on the “emergency brakes” again if they believe the new variants of concern pose an increased public health threat.

Make hay while the sun is shining. Hopefully we see you all next weekend!