TSA vs COVID-19, Round 2!

Hi everyone! We hope you’re all coping well with this lockdown and practicing safe social distancing while out in public. We’ve had our doors locked since March 24, and that is as much of a bummer for us as it is for our members, students and customers. The novel coronavirus has caused a bit of a hiccup in our long-term plans…


But more on that later. For now, we have a couple of updates.

First off, obviously we will be compensating our members for lost time by adding extensions to all active memberships. Unfortunately, we don’t know how much time we will be adding yet - if the state of emergency lasts 1 month, we’ll be adding 1 month, if it lasts 2 months we’ll add 2 months, and so on. When we get a firm date from the provincial government when the emergency-measure lockdown will be lifted, we will let everyone know and we will extend everyone’s memberships by that amount of time. We’re going on 3 weeks now, and from the sounds of it we’ll be shut down at least until mid-May. We’ll know more when we get there, but rest assured that we are going to take care of our members.

Secondly, we found ourselves in a rather awkward position at the end of March when a fairly significant ammo order arrived. It’s a good news-bad news thing. The good news is, we have lots of ammo that has been becoming increasingly hard to find these past few weeks. The bad news is, it couldn’t have arrived at a worse time as far as our capacity for retail goes. We are not set up for online sales, but the lockdown makes our face-to-face-only model highly impractical.

Well, we think we have figured out a workaround.


Ok… not quite that…

While we are not set up for online ordering or shipping, or for epic air drops (yet), we can do ammo orders via email or Facebook/messenger through the week for curbside pickup on Saturdays from 10am - noon.

We don’t have an order form or anything like that - shoot us a message about what you want, we’ll let you know whether or not we have it and the price, then package it up for you.

Since we can still only do in-person sales that must follow correct government-mandated procedures, make sure you’re the one who will be picking up your order, and bring your PAL with you. We will only be staffed for that 2 hours, so we cannot do phone orders, and we will only be accepting debit or credit for payment (no cash sales). We won’t be doing any “walk-in” sales either - only orders. And no, the range will not be open during those hours.

Obviously, this is not super convenient for anyone, but it’s what we can do while following the law and keeping ourselves and our customers safe.

If you have any questions, shoot us a message via email or Facebook. Stay safe, stay healthy and see you soon!