Monday Night PPC


We are excited to announce another regular shooting evening at the range.

Starting Monday May 28 at 7:00pm we will have regular PPC shoots at the range.

PPC (Police Pistol Combat) is a shooting sport that will challenge your accuracy at various distances under time constraints.

All you need to participate is a center fire pistol or revolver, magazines (4 is best) or speed loaders for your revolver and a holster certification. If you are not holster certified, but would like to try PPC, let us know and we can make arrangements for you to participate.

We will try to run a relay every half hour (7:00, 7:30, 8:00 and 8:30) so everybody gets a chance to shoot a couple times if they would like.

Cost is just $1.00 per relay to cover the cost of the targets.

The course of fire we are going to run requires 48 rounds per relay.

If you have any questions, let us know, we will try to answer them for you.  Better yet, just come on out on a Monday night and all your questions will be answered while you have fun shooting!!!